After 5 years as a “Manager in sustainable development”, Bruno Pison decided to go on a world tour and meet some of sustainable food’s key players.
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After 5 years as a “Manager in sustainable development”, Bruno Pison decided to go on a world tour and meet some of sustainable food’s key players.
During his 430 days « Food Sense Tour » (15th October 2013– 18th December, 2014) he met a hundred key players in 35 different countries, some working to resourcefully use organic waste, other involved in food production and in catering.
In Russia, he heard about a young American named Birke Baher, who wrote a children’s book, held a lecture on food and changed his family’s daily life when he was only 12 years old. Bruno decided to meet him. 9 months later, he shared Baher’s way of life and followed Baher’s path : he wrote a book about his journey.